Holy Trinity has four "Families" that operate along the same lines as "houses" in the British educational tradition. The idea behind houses or "families" within a school is to allow students to form bonds with each other that are not based primarily upon a similar age or grade.
Every Holy Trinity student is placed in a Family, which provides ample opportunities for students to develop leadership skills, as older students are encouraged to act as friends and mentors to younger or new incoming students. In doing this, students become a key component in helping each other integrate into the Holy Trinity community and culture, which can be a difficult transition for many when they first arrive.
Each Family meets twice a week during 9th Period. On Monday afternoons, Families split into two Family Small Groups, one for the young men and the other for the young women in the Family. These Small Groups then engage in prayer and a conversation about different aspects of the Catholic Faith, facilitated by faithful Catholic adults from the local community. On Wednesdays, Families meet to pray and organize service projects, fundraisers, and social events for the other Families to participate in such as kickball, volleyball, or "powderpuff" tournaments.
The Four Families at Holy Trinity are named for four Irish saints, in keeping with our founder, Fr. Charles Davis', love of Irish heritage (hence, "Celtics").