Our school uniforms are provided by:
Get Noticed Solutions by Worldwide Supply
254-313-1900 or 800-583-9090
2901 W. Waco Drive, Waco, TX 76707
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00 pm, Sat - Sun: closed
Holy Trinity access code is 1037656
To purchase school uniforms and athletic gear online, click HERE.
If you order your clothing online, there are notes boxes for each item. This is to allow you to explain details that will help the vendor determine the proper size for your child. Writing in the Notes Box will prompt the vendor to contact you about sizing.
Please Note: Uniform sizes do not run the same as regular store-bought clothing. It is imperative that students be fitted in the store for items such as skirts, trousers, and blazers.
Please direct uniform ordering questions directly to the vendor. They are very friendly and knowledgable, and will answer any questions you might have.
Please see page 27 and following of the Student Handbook for details about the Holy Trinity Uniform.